Interior design involves the changing mindsets, outlooks, and preferences and class of people. However, with this, the fusion of art deco designs and furnishings has increased giving birth to more ergonomic and functional interior design trends. But what are the main influencing factors on interiors? How one achieve the desired look and style complying with the design trends are only one piece of a puzzle. Let us look at the 7 influences on interior design and works for home.
Condition of the site and status of works are to be taken in to consideration while planning for interiors. For an apartment to be brought to life by the builder, it may take about 2-3 years often from inception. However the floor plan would be readily available. They may also arrange a sample flat in one of the floors when the structure is ready. So, after checking the sample apartment, owner may start with interior design works and discuss modifications required. But, if it is an independent house or group villa, it is better to start interior design and planning when the site is in flooring stage. In case of house, it may be mostly under control of the owner whereas for an apartment, handover depends upon the builder. Whole process of interior designing and execution can be completed within few months if site is ready to occupy.
Space planning has an essential impact on interiors as this involves allocation and division of decor and its proper placement. Requirements of house owner and available space determine the action plan for home interiors. A cluttered space causes discomfort to the homeowners and is unappealing. However, with proper furniture placement and customized home furnishings, it can allow enough freedom. With the home sizes shrinking, the need for space and storage has increased. It all starts with what type of flat or house and available space one has. Once the construction is started the only possibility is to take care of interior design.
The size of the rooms and that of furniture planned will have considerable influences on the interiors. Getting the right piece of furniture that meets the requirements of the homeowner needs a lot of planning. Buying furniture that you do not foresee using it after a couple of years or find it hard to manage will not be versatile enough. Moreover, settling for something that you just saw in a nearby showroom may turn out to be an expensive mistake. Rather, design and customize and wait a little longer is worth it. Consider coordinating with an interior designer for recommendations and the type of furniture that you can use effectively as per requirements.
Interior design styles characterize how a home will be like. With many different styles, understanding each, help to develop and deliver the home one expects. The whole purpose of having specific interior style is creating a blend of function and form that meets the home furnishing requirements. Choosing a design style such as contemporary design or modern that meet ones taste and interest will help in making home all the more functional and cohesive from room to room.
The principles of interior design widely depend on the shape. A long dining table in a wide room fills-in space with harmony. Likewise, with customized modular kitchen of different shapes and styles, utilization of space for hassle free movement and storage is an easy task. The use of the right furniture’s and textures brings the right sense of balance in the interiors. However, using a wide range of furniture’s and fixtures with contrasting elements can create irregularity and in disjointed interior design. Consider a modular kitchen; equipping a small U-shape kitchen layout with just a straight kitchen design is of no use to the house owner. Not only will it look cramped, but it will also make the culinary activities hectic.
Just like space allocation and furniture size, the suitability of furniture is also important. The right furniture design that meet one’s requirements and interiors of the house is important. Suitability focuses on the purpose of the furniture. The flexibility, durability, adaptability and whether it blends with the social and emotional values of the occupants is important. As interiors are where one expresses their true personal styles, decor needs to be functional as much as style driven. Thus, furnishing and interiors of a kid’s room and master bedroom surely need to be different.
Complexity is unwanted, difficult to cope up with. Furnishings that are simple with beautiful design all that matter. In the world of interior, the integral part of making a well-balanced interior space lies in the function and presence of furniture. After all, it is the design influences and furniture that finally turns an empty structure into a home. The right furniture and fittings can make any home spacious, harmonious and even impress the guests. Unlike filling the house with complex furnishings and palettes, including a simple yet beautiful sofa, a coffee table, wall hangings, and a TV unit as part of living room furnishings in an apartment can turn harmonious. Moreover, it is easier to clean and allows free movement. The clutter-free nature and beauty of the furniture can even make one calm.